Posts Tagged ‘dad


20 Years From Now…

We just started our first family team for the March of Dimes March for Babies 2013 walk. We’ll be participating in the Greater Cincinnati/NKY one. So far we have 4 family members/1 good friend and we’re about halfway to our team goal. Yay Team Drake!

One of my husband’s co-workers shared her preemie experience with twins. They are now 20 and in college. They were in the same NICU where Drake had his stay. I love it. Preemie success stories remind you that your hope and dreams for your child’s full life aren’t dashed. That no matter what their struggles may be health or development-wise most likely they have long, full lives ahead of them and so do you.

I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions. I tend to forget to track them about 2-3 weeks into the year. I only have one thing I am resolved to accomplish this year. I  WILL TAKE JOY IN MY SON’S JOURNEY.

That’s what this blog is for. It’s for me to “write it all out” and get peace in my heart, mind, and soul so I can be a good mama to this amazing warrior child.





When a NICU mom is born, so is a NICU dad. I have a tendency to forget that my husband had his own experiences with Drake’s birth. Joel at Papas of Preemies reminded me today with an invitation to share our husband’s stories. The new series is called, “Moms Say Thanks,” and I am honored to have shared our story with a guest blog. 

You can find my submission at Papas of Preemies here: MOMS SAY THANKS – A NICU DAD

holding daddy's hand

Thank you for loving us so much.

Daddy & Drake

Drake’s 3rd Birthday

February 20, 2015